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Scripture about Naaman

The story of Naaman is found in 2nd Kings 5 read on Biblia online. Here is the text in the World English …

The story of the birth of Moses

You find this story in Exodus 1 to 2,10 Exodus 1 read on Biblia online: [iframe class=”framezoom” src=”″ width=”100%” height=”450px” scrolling=”yes”] Exodus 2 …

Die Geschichte der Trennung von Abram und Lot

Diese Geschichte steht in 1. Mose 13 auf Biblia online lesen: [iframe  class=”framezoom” src=”″ width=”100%” height=”900px” scrolling=”yes”]  

The story of the lost son

You find this story in Luke 15: read on Biblia online: [iframe src=”″ width=”100%” height=”450px” scrolling=”yes”]

Schöpfung I

this story is in Genesis 1:1-25  read at Biblia online: [iframe class=”framezoom” src=”″ width=”100%” height=”900px” scrolling=”yes”]

Noah und der Wein

Diese Geschichte steht in 1. Mose 8-9 auf Biblia online lesen: [iframe  class=”framezoom” src=”″ width=”100%” height=”450px” scrolling=”yes”] [iframe class=”framezoom” src=”″ width=”100%” height=”450px” scrolling=”yes”]