Scripture for Jeremiah vs. Zedekiah
The story about this war against Syria can be found in 2nd Kings 6:8-23 read NIV on Biblia online. Here is the …
The story about this war against Syria can be found in 2nd Kings 6:8-23 read NIV on Biblia online. Here is the …
Diese Geschichte steht in 1. Mose 14 und 15 auf Biblia online lesen: [iframe class=”framezoom” src=”http://www.bibliaonline.com.br/schlachter/gn/14″ width=”100%” height=450px” scrolling=”yes”] auf Biblia online lesen: [iframe class=”framezoom” src=”http://www.bibliaonline.com.br/schlachter/gn/15″ width=”100%” height=450px” scrolling=”yes”]